June is finally here! You should be outside soaking up the sun, enjoying friends and family, and most importantly—grilling.
There’s nothing better than chowing down on a burger and veggies fresh off the grill. But when it comes to grilling this summer, don’t be limited to the conventional grill-approved foods (I’m looking at you, hamburgers and hotdogs). Think outside the box!
Here are five foods you didn’t know you could grill:
1. Pizza – this is actually amazing. Try this fantastic recipe with peaches and gorgonzola cheese.

This is what happened when I tried this recipe…still turned out delicious!
2. Avocado – this superfood becomes even more super on the grill. Cut an avocado in half, throw out the pit, brush some olive oil and lime on there and get grilling. Leave it on for a few minutes—careful not to burn them! The best part about this is you can fill the pit holes with anything you want—mango salsa, salad, you name it! Checkout this recipe for quinoa stuffed avocados.
3. Romaine – Add some flavor to that salad with grilled hearts of romaine! This recipe is excellent.
4. Pineapple – who knew you could use the grill for some sweet stuff? Grilled pineapple is awesome—and so easy to make. Simply cutup the pineapple into round pieces and put them on the grill until brown. If you’re feeling adventurous, try this recipe for grilled pineapple with honey, lime juice, and cinnamon.
5. Cake – bring a grilled cake to the next birthday party you’re attending—it will be a hit! Angel food and pound cake both grill well. Try this take on strawberry shortcake, it won’t disappoint.