It has been years since I first decided to start my own blog. However, every time I sit down to write my first post, I can’t decide what direction I want to go in. Should I write about fitness? Health? New restaurants? Technology? My personal life? The topics are endless.
I shouldn’t have to decide between fitness and fashion or technology and new restaurants. I am not defined by one single interest, but rather all of my interests.On countless occasions, I settled on a topic and then decided that it wasn’t the right fit. I told myself that I didn’t know enough about it or that I wasn’t passionate enough. I felt constrained by picking just one topic because in reality, I am interested in everything (well, almost).
Finally, I have settled on a topic: everything. I have decided to write about all my interests, rather than just choosing one. I will be sharing my thoughts on fun events, fitness classes, health trends, restaurants, fashion, and everything in between.
Get ready for some great reads!